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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Final Logo HELP

Here are the cleaned up logos I worked on after the critique. I want to know what you think! :)


rachel xs said...

I like the second one in the list of logos with the wavy lines. I would recommend making the top wave line up with the top of the "P", and perhaps using lines that taper at the end! There is a tool for making varying thicknesses in your lines. It's in illustrator; it's like a little slug/thick wavy line.

Hope that helps!

Jackie said...

I agree with Rachel about making the lines connect with the "P". And I'd make sure there's an even space between all the lines or increasing white space that looks like it was done on purpose.

Heyer815 said...

Top right with the "air" in the stamp. Maybe try using a different font for air? or a lighter weight for it. just for experimental purposes to see which you like better.

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