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Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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So this is the logo I've decided to go with but in class I didn't get any real suggestions about refining it. Besides obvious tweaking (making the curve look aligned with the dot at the end) are there other things I should change? Font...weight.. eh?
The way my group interpreted the airline was simple and light. Taking out all the hassles of flying, the service isn't meant to put much attention on the flight itself but on getting you where you're going. So that's where I was trying to go with the logo. Nice and light, and the "A" is supposed to be the "light flying experience" and the dot at the end is the emphasis on where you're going.
I think your font choice is spot on. I would just move the dot not to look like a period, like we discussed in class.
Right now its balanced. with the font choice and the mark its pretty clean. maybe play around with the weight of the stroke and the thickness in certain parts to see what you like. experiment :)
I agree, the font is nice. Maybe try completing the curve all the way over to where the dot is, to show it's purpose. As is, I still don't read the dot as "destination", I see it as a misplaced period. But other than that, I like the weight etc etc. :)
Thanks guys! I'll try to post again when I make some changes if it's not super late
Yea, I agree. The font is great, and the wave mark is good. I think the period is a bit off...perhaps move it inward some? or outward? idk.
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